A Guide to Buying Diamond Studs

All diamond studs are beautiful and a wonderful gift for that special someone, however you should never just run out and purchase any random pair of diamond studs. There are quite a few things that you need to take into consideration before you can make the best possible decision here, and if you want to find those perfect diamond studs, then this should not be a big deal and you should be more than willing to put in the time and effort and become educated.

Before You Buy

Choosing the right diamond is a very personal process, and although what your opinions may be on the ‘best’ diamonds may differ from the opinions of someone else, the same basic rules apply to everyone when it comes to buying any type of diamond jewelry.

Diamonds are the most popular gem in the world, and they have great brilliance, beauty and charm. Diamonds are graded on four particular qualities, which are: color, clarity, cut and carat. When it comes to color, the closer a diamond is to being colorless, the greater value it offers.

The clarity of a diamond is determined by the size and number of inclusions inside of it, and just like with color, there are many different grades of clarity, with the highest being flawless. The cut of a diamond is one of the hardest properties to judge, as there are a number of different factors that you need to consider here. First you have to consider the brilliance of the gem, as this is one of the most important aspects of all.

The more brilliant a diamond, not only the more beautiful it is to look at, but as well the more valuable it is. The carat is the easiest factors to understand, as smaller diamonds cost less than larger ones.

Buying Diamond Studs

Now that you are more informed on diamonds and how to buy them, you can go out and buy your diamond studs. There are many great jewelry companies out there, including the Jewelry Center, Kay Jeweler’s, Precious Glow, Fine Jewelry Designs, Jared Jewelry.

Compare and contrast between the different companies, browsing through their selections and determining which you like the best. You should also take the prices of the jewelry into consideration, although jewelry is something that tends to stay the same between one store to another in terms of price, and if you want a really nice piece of jewelry you are going to have to pay the price.